Healthy Hides of Houston (HHH)

President's Message

August 2024

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and did not suffer any major damage from the hurricane or the previous storms. I know it has been another extremely hot summer once again which is tough for many of you. We were not home during the hurricane as we were on our road trip and in NJ at the time, but we had house sitters taking care of our house while we were gone. We only had very minor issues with part of our fence bowed in and a couple of plants uprooted, nothing compared to many people.

We had a great trip to NJ except for the amount of time spent on the road, which was four days traveling up, two weeks visiting and another 4 days back. Interesting, the worst part of the travel was the last 2 hours of our trip home. This was traveling through Houston at 4 pm on I-10 taking 2 hours to get across town to get home. We had a wonderful time visiting family and friends and spending a lot of time in and on the lake in NJ where we used to live. We also went to the nudist club “Rock Lodge Club” for their 4th of July party. We were full members there for 10 years before moving to the Houston area. It was great seeing our core friends who for the most part are still around and meeting a few of their newer members. A lot has changed over the past 20 years since we have been gone, mostly the people, as the kids we knew back then have grown up and have kids of their own, however, they are not around anymore except for a couple of them. The wonderful thing was to see several new younger adults around who are bringing their kids and watching them play on the sandy beach and splashing in the water of the small lake that is on the property, just like the kids of 30 years ago when we first joined that club.

Sylvia and I will be hosting the next two parties in August, and September! The August party will be held on August 17th and is considered our “Summer” party. Like we have for the past couple of years the party will start at 2 pm and go through 9 pm to make use of the pool and any other outdoor games/activities that are suited for warmer weather. The September party will be held on Sept. 21st, and will also be a pool party, however, will be our regular time period of 5 pm – 10 pm.

Once again, Hill Country Nudist’s (HCN) are sponsoring their annual Boat Party on Lake Travis to Hippie Hollow on Sept. 7th. The information about the party, location, price etc. and the registration form have been forwarded to you already! This is always a fun event especially seeing many of the same people from HCN and other clubs in Texas, it is always like old home week every year. If you did not get it, please let me know.

 Hope to see you all at the coming parties/events!



President, HHH
Secretary/Treasurer, AANR-SW