Healthy Hides of Houston (HHH)

How to Join HHH

A Prospective Member is eligible to join HHH, with approval by majority vote of the Board of Directors upon successfully completing the following:

  • You must attend a “First Friday” clothed event, alternately meet with a Board Member/s privately or had met at a prior nude event or nudist club. Without a reasonable cause or concern determined by the Board member/s, you will be invited to attend two HHH nude house parties or events.
  • You must attend two HHH nude house parties or officially scheduled event (outing) such as summer gathering at a local nudist club. This would only count for membership if an HHH board member/s was present at that event and the Prospective Member/s spent a reasonable amount of time socializing with the Board member/s.
  • You must at least attend one House Party even in the case where a Prospective Member/s had met at an outing event.
  • A special note for married  prospective members wanting to join HHH as a single… You must bring your spouse with you to a First Friday dinner at least once even if your spouse doesn’t intend to participate with you.  For the security of our members our Bylaws require that the HHH Board is assured your spouse knows you will be attending nudist house parties.
  • You must join AANR as part of your HHH membership!  However, if you are already a member either through another AANR club or joined as an associate member (member directly through AANR) that is acceptable with proof of membership.  See Benefits of AANR by clicking here!


First Year Fee Structure


HHH Subsequent Renewal Fee Structure
